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Chinese translation for "canal seepage"

渠道渗 漏

Related Translations:
seepage lake:  渗漏湖渗水湖
canal harbor:  运河港
ciliary canal:  虹膜角间隙
urinary canal:  尿管
alimentary canal:  (或 tract)消化道。
medullar canal:  骨髓管骨髓腔椎管
micropylar canal:  珠孔道
bidders canal:  毕德氏管
uterovaginal canal:  子宫阴道管
canal policy:  运河政策
Example Sentences:
1.Application of gcl in canal seepage control engineering
2.Through analyzing on the frost heave in the canal seepage control , this paper sums up the main factors influencing the frost heave of canal , and connecting with the practice , probes into some treating methods
3.This paper based on the goal of establish properly water saving model , taking economic benefits , environmental benefits and technical feasibility indexes as norm , using analytic hierarchy process to compare the canal seepage control , water conveyance pipe , sprinkler irrigation and microspray irrigation the 4 project technologies of water saving , in order to choose the suitable water saving model
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